Friday, August 28, 2009

risky business being a devil worshipper....

Katoomba men on murder charges
23/10/2001 3:14:11 PM

A father and son from Katoomba appeared in Windsor Local Court last Wednesday charged with the murder of their wife and mother at Glossodia.

Bail was formally refused for George Fitter, 39, and his18-year-old son Grant when they appeared in court after being arrested for the stabbing murder of 35 year-old Fiona Fitter, a nursing sister. The alleged murder took place in Grand Parade, Glossodia last Tuesday morning, October 16.

A police statement tendered to the court alleged the father and son stabbed Ms Fitter to death using knives and scissors because they believed she was a devil worshipper.

Both men were barefooted and dressed in dark blue paper jumpsuits issued by police when they appeared in court.

They shielded their faces from cameras with a pink towel.

Magistrate Alan Cullen heard each defendant’s matters separately but both were represented by Windsor solicitor Roderick Storie.

Mr Storie said his clients would plead not guilty but not apply for bail. He said his client George Fitter, a former family youth counsellor, said he knew what he had done was "a disgrace and wrong — it is wrong to take a life".

Mr Storie was also instructed by his client to ask the father and son be kept in custody together. Magistrate Cullen replied that would be a matter for the Department of Corrective Services to decide.

The two men were ordered to appear in Penrith Local Court on November 16.

A 15-year-old girl also appeared in Windsor Children’s Court in relation to the murder last week and will appear in Cobham Children’s Court next month.

Source: accessed 28 August 2009

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